The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling Course Description

Building The Data Warehouse Course Description

Course Introduction

Dimensional modeling has emerged as the only coherent architecture for building distributed data warehouse systems. The core dimensional modeling tech­niques those are the concepts such as slowly changing dimensions, heterogeneous products, factless fact tables, and architected data marts continue to be discussed in data warehouse design workshops around the globe.

This course is started with basic con­cepts and introduce more advanced content as the book unfolds. And later this course will developing the design techniques by example is an extremely effective approach because it allows us to share very tangible guidance. 

Course Objectives

At the end of the course, students will be able to:
  • Explain the basic concepts underlying dimensional modeling
  • Got some experiences from case studies.


The course is appropriate for technical management, project advisors, technologists, designers, testers, and developers.


Participants should have a basic understanding of the database technologies, exposure to the software development process.

Course Texts

John Wiley and Sons, Inc, he Data Warehouse Toolkit, Second Edition, The Complete Guide to Dimensional Modeling 2005, Ralph Kimball Margy Ross.

Course Contents:

Chapter 1: Dimensional Modeling Primer
Explore the com­ponents of the overall data warehouse architecture, establish core vocabu­lary, dispel some of the myths and misconceptions about dimensional modeling, and  also discuss the role of normalized models.
Chapter 2: Retail Sales
Retailing is the classic example used to illustrate dimensional modeling. This chapter is begun by discussing the four-step process for designing dimensional models, then explore dimen­sion tables in depth, including the date dimension. We also discuss degenerate dimensions, snow flaking, and surrogate keys.
Chapter 3: Inventory
We remain within the retail industry for our second case study but turn our attention to another business process. This case study will provide a very vivid example of the data warehouse bus architecture and the use of conformed dimensions and facts. These concepts are critical to anyone looking to con­struct a data warehouse architecture that is integrated and extensible.
Chapter 4: Procurement
This chapter reinforces the importance of looking at your organization’s value chain as you plot your data warehouse. We also explore a series of basic and advanced techniques for handling slowly changing dimension attributes.
Chapter 5: Order Management
In this case study we take a look at the business processes that are often the first to be implemented in data warehouses as they supply core business per­formance metrics—what are we selling to which customers at what price? We discuss the situation in which a dimension plays multiple roles within a schema. We also explore some of the common challenges modelers face when dealing with order management information, such as header/line item con­siderations, multiple currencies or units of measure, and junk dimensions with miscellaneous transaction indicators. We compare the three fundamental types of fact tables: transaction, periodic snapshot, and accumulating snap­shot. Finally, we provide recommendations for handling more real-time ware­housing requirements.
Chapter 6: Customer Relationship Management
Numerous data warehouses have been built on the premise that we need to bet­ter understand and service our customers. This chapter covers key considera­tions surrounding the customer dimension, including address standardization, managing large volume dimensions, and modeling unpredictable customer hierarchies. It also discusses the consolidation of customer data from multiple sources.
Chapter 7: Accounting
In this totally new chapter we discuss the modeling of general ledger informa­tion for the data warehouse. We describe the appropriate handling of year-to-date facts and multiple fiscal calendars, as well as the notion of consolidated dimensional models that combine data from multiple business processes.
Chapter 8: Human Resources Management
This new chapter explores several unique aspects of human resources dimen­sional models, including the situation in which a dimension table begins to behave like a fact table. We also introduce audit and keyword dimensions, as well as the handling of survey questionnaire data.
Chapter 9: Financial Services
The banking case study explores the concept of heterogeneous products in which each line of business has unique descriptive attributes and performance metrics. Obviously, the need to handle heterogeneous products is not unique to financial services. We also discuss the complicated relationships among accounts, customers, and households.
Chapter 10: Telecommunications and Utilities
This new chapter is structured somewhat differently to highlight considera­tions when performing a data model design review. In addition, we explore the idiosyncrasies of geographic location dimensions, as well as opportunities for leveraging geographic information systems.
Chapter 11: Transportation
In this case study we take a look at related fact tables at different levels of gran­ularity. We discuss another approach for handling small dimensions, and we take a closer look at date and time dimensions, covering such concepts as country-specific calendars and synchronization across multiple time zones.
Chapter 12: Education
We look at several factless fact tables in this chapter and discuss their impor­tance in analyzing what didn’t happen. In addition, we explore the student application pipeline, which is a prime example of an accumulating snapshot fact table.
Chapter 13: Health Care
Some of the most complex models that we have ever worked with are from the health care industry. This new chapter illustrates the handling of such com­plexities, including the use of a bridge table to model multiple diagnoses and providers associated with a patient treatment.
Chapter 14: Electronic Commerce
This chapter provides an introduction to modeling clickstream data. The con­cepts are derived from The Data Webhouse Toolkit (Wiley 2000), which Ralph Kimball coauthored with Richard Merz. Introduction
Chapter 15: Insurance
The final case study serves to illustrate many of the techniques we discussed earlier in the book in a single set of interrelated schemas. It can be viewed as a pulling-it-all-together chapter because the modeling techniques will be layered on top of one another, similar to overlaying overhead projector transparencies.
Chapter 16: Building the Data Warehouse
Now that you are comfortable designing dimensional models, we provide a high-level overview of the activities that are encountered during the lifecycle of a typical data warehouse project iteration. This chapter could be considered a lightning tour of The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit (Wiley 1998) that we coauthored with Laura Reeves and Warren Thornthwaite.
Chapter 17: Present Imperatives and Future Outlook
In this final chapter we peer into our crystal ball to provide a preview of what we anticipate data warehousing will look like in the future.

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